Quick one – just add zinc?
A while ago I confessed my love of naps, and reported my excited discovery of coffee naps. In short - a coffee nap is when you drink coffee right before taking a 15-30 minute nap. That's about the time it takes the coffee to metabolize, which means you get a double...

Can we laugh it off?
Call me shallow, call me crass, but when the going gets tough, I try to laugh. Especially these days, it can seem inappropriate. I know. When things are really crappy, dark humor can seem disrespectful. But it still works for me... Back when I worked in an...

Mental Load – broken down
[This post is the second one in a 2-post series.] In last week's post I introduced the concept of "Mental Load", known also as "Cognitive Labor". Today we'll break it down into 4 parts. This division helps understand and discuss mental load in an effective way....

You should’ve asked
[This post is the first one in a 2-post series.] Mental Load My wonderful friend Rachel sent me a great article analyzing mental load, which I wanted to share with you. But, I think it doesn't explain the basic concept well enough. So first I'll share the French...

Bitter about family obligations? Silent scream
How was your week? Did you get a lot done? I got a lot done, but made almost no progress. (Again. What?? WTF?) Every Sunday I write down my three major goals for the coming week. Usually most or all of them have to do with work. My work, the work I want to do,...

Exhaustion, cynicism, self-blame – you?
I'm not a smoker, but I used to take cigarette breaks with colleagues because that was the safe place where we could bitch about our bosses and our company. Feeling like my superiors treat me like a cog, don't see my value, or are trying to mold me into something...