Burned out? Set boundaries
In my work, I see time and again that people who manage to deal well with burnout are those who can set clear boundaries. Thinking of burnout as a boundaries problem, it's no surprise that I had to deal with it... I was often shamed for being terrible with...

Hate cold showers? I thought I did
Do you know how hot or cold your showers are? And that they could be impacting your resilience to stress? Here's my little experiment and initial results. I've heard for quite some time about the amazing benefits of ice baths. They reduce inflammation, speed up...

Is the Internet Feminist? The Inspiring Rise of Women Millionaires Online
Today is International Women's Day 2021 One day when my daughter was almost 12, she came up to me crying and said, “Mommy, I don’t want to become a woman!” She feared the physical aspects of growing up. Even more, she felt oppressed because she had no choice...

Coffee drinker? Like naps? Here’s your best combo ever – coffee naps!
It’s 2 pm and I’m partialy collapsed in my chair, eyes almost completely shut, pretending to read something. There’s still so much more I want to get done today… But how? Rest? Drink coffee? Neither seems to work well enough when I'm really tired. Do you also...
Earphones, apples, and setting boundaries at home
The office door is shut. I’m inside, with my earphones on, on a Zoom call, or typing away. This is what I think I look like: Hyper-focused. Concentrated. Working. How do my kids interpret this scene? “I am 100% available to you now, darling, and you have my...

Habit Tracking for Rebels
How to track habits even if you hate habit trackingDuring my burnout recovery journey, one of my most humbling realizations was that I was part of the problem. I had to take a good hard look at my behaviors and habits, and identify where I was creating part of the...