A while ago I confessed my love of naps, and reported my excited discovery of coffee naps.

In short – a coffee nap is when you drink coffee right before taking a 15-30 minute nap. That’s about the time it takes the coffee to metabolize, which means you get a double effect of the rest + caffeine. Both reduce adenosine, a molecule in our bodies that makes us sleepy.

After publishing the coffee nap post, my friend Peter asked whether there were substitutes to caffeine with similar effect. Online wisdom suggested zinc supplements. I promptly bought the supplements! Then promptly left the box untouched in cupboard.

Weeks passed.

Then, as I’m working on my own sleep issues, I’ve been trying to go to bed earlier. This means I can’t drink coffee in the early afternoon as I used to. So in my crashes, I had to resort to the supplement. I took a 22mg zinc pill, napped, and what do you know? It works!

I’ve been doing this for a few days now, on and off, depending on how tired I feel. I wake up refreshed and happy, without the jitteriness I get from caffeine. I love it!

Please note that 22mg is more than the recommended daily dosage for both men and women. You can read more about zinc here. Clearly, I’m no doctor nor do I play one on the internet, so if you have any concerns about supplements, please consult a professional.

Happy napping, and here’s to feeling refreshed throughout long days! Do let me know if you’ve tried zinc for afternoon slumps, and what effect it had, ok?


Photo credit: Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

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