Telling these two apart can prevent burnout
Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls! Welcome to our new exciting game show, “Stress or Stressor?!” Can you tell the difference between the two? It’s really important because one is more easily manageable than the other…. Here are a few examples from...

What’s the one thing to do now?
Listening to a podcast last night, I loved this insight: Overwhelm is often a result of looking at your to-do list and thinking that it all needs to get done today. It’s probably true that it all needs to get done, but it probably isn’t true that it all needs...

The lowdown on burnout, in 50 or 7 minutes
Below: a podcast recommendation OR a great overview, saving you about 40 minutes... A recent “Tilted” podcast episode focused on burnout, featuring Arianna Huffington and Emily Nagoski. I highly recommend listening to the episode in full, but if you...

School messed me up, and it probably did the same to you
“It’s because they trained us to think only an A or a B was acceptable,” said Doreen, my brilliant mastermind friend (and editor). And right she was. How often have you heard variations of “progress not perfection” recently? Perfection is the big enemy, the...

So good, I just had to share it
Consider this a retweet... Click the link below and head on over to Greatist.com for a super useful list of physical techniques to deal with stress and anxiety. My favorites are #1 and #5 (which is similar to EFT) and I've recommended #7 in my guide. Surprisingly, I...

Kaizen – how small can you go?
My friend Sunyata recommended that I read psychologist Dr. Robert Maurer’s book, One Small Step Can Change Your Life: The Kaizen Way. The Sino-Japanese word “kaizen” means “change for better” or “improvement”, and became associated with the Toyota Way of continuous...