
Listening to a podcast last night, I loved this insight:

Overwhelm is often a result of looking at your to-do list and thinking that it all needs to get done today


It’s probably true that it all needs to get done, but it probably isn’t true that it all needs to get done today. (By “needs” I mean that the world would implode if it doesn’t get done.)


The thing is, only this moment exists.

So no matter what you do, it simply can’t all get done now. 


So the only relevant question is what is the most important thing that I can do right now? Because like it or not, this is essentially the only choice that we have.

So a big overwhelming and time-wasting approach is thinking about it all rather than thinking about the one.

I’m not a fan of not having choices, but even I have to accept this as true.


For more:

The One Thing book

Hal Elrod’s podcast episode


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