Tweak a recent habit research tactic for more fun and motivation in anything from housework to exercise
Are you lucky enough to be in a COVID-pod with your best friend? Or your sister? Does she live next door? If you live with a spouse, roommate or immediate family, they usually provide both support and stress... The people you live with probably have the most influence...

Love vision boards? Don’t read this
It’s January, and vision boards are now in season. Apparently everyone makes one. Everyone but me. Even more surprising, apparently everyone but me has glossy magazines for inspiring cutouts! It appears that I’m the only woman on earth who isn’t subscribed to...

What does celebration have to do with productivity? 4 surprising ideas
When it comes to achievement and productivity, I used to be a glass half empty person. In the past (ok, and still sometimes today, too…) I’d always look at everything that I wanted to complete but didn’t. I’d rarely be happy with what I had achieved. My burnout...

Confessions of a conflict avoider
Yes, I’m a people pleaser. One of my biggest fears is to have someone be mad at me. It gets ridiculous. I can have a 5-minute imaginary discussion with a driver who honked at me. They obviously stopped thinking about me one second after the “Move, bitch!” ...

The wolf and the monk
My husband and I had our DNA analyzed by 23andMe a few years ago. Fortunately for both of us, we didn’t receive any scary results. Every few months, though, we get updates that range from the interesting to the esoteric. My husband, for example, has a gene that makes...

Inspiring girls finish last
It was June of 2000, (right after the hi-tech bubble burst! remember?) and I was in an orientation meeting for my first sprint triathlon. It was a Danskin Women’s Triathlon, and the Bay Area was one of dozens of locations across the US where women competed in 1/2 mile...